Selasa, 12 Desember 2017

10 Heroes in DotA 2 Level 25 With Great Talent

Valve always provide patch update routine for Dota 2, particularly the patch 7:00 sufficient to change the style of play as well as make gameplay more attractive. One interesting update of the system is the addition of the talent, the player can choose one of the options to upgrade the hero them. Once, before the Talent Tree, players only focus to a level of 16 to maximize skill Ultimate them, now players are given the option to upgrade one attribute or skill hero during the game. Well, this time I will reveal 10 Hero are considered to have a level of 25 Best Talent.

10 Hero DotA 2 Dengan Level 25 Talent Terbaik

1. Wraith King

@Level Talent Wraith King

Level 25: Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast or No Reincarnation Mana Cost

Hero Wraith King usually will be a pick in late, this is to avoid enemy counter hero prepares to spend Where it during the game. Therefore, it is often the skill No. Reincarnation Mana Cost is not always useful, as opposed to Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire that still can give a boomerang effect to the enemy when WK die despite the hero counter though, the enemy will continue to stun and it can be converted into momentum slick for strike back.

2. Lich

@Level Talent Lich

Level 25: Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS Slow or +35 Ice Armor Structure Armor

There is always a choice to Lich who want to attack or defend with a given talent this time. Attacks on talent Apply 30% of MS, the Lich will get attack power increased by almost half, just as he was getting items Skadi without having to meet the bag during play. While at the Structure Armor +35 talent will provide ice protection belongs to the Lich become more tough and difficult to penetrate the enemy.

3. Abbadon

@Level Talent Abaddon

AbaddonLevel 25: +300 Aphotic Shield Health atau +25 Strength

Talent aphotic Abaddon Shield Health will create a hero tanker that is taken into account, such powers could make this hero absorb and restore damage to an enemy every 5 seconds.

4. Miran

@Level Talent Miran

Level 25: +2 Multishoot Sacred Arows or +100 Leap Attack Speed

Leap Attack Speed +100 Talent can make Mirana kill more quickly and easily, talent will greatly assist Mirana in to hit the enemy. Meanwhile, talent +2 MultiShoot Sacred Arrows will be very useful when enemies are gathered because it can give effect to stun.

5. Outworld Devourer

@Level Talent Outworld Devourer

Level 25: +8% Spell Amplification or +60s Arcane Orb Intelligance Steal

Talent + 60s Steal Intelligance Arcane Orb can make Devourer steals attribute intelligance enemy for 2 min, int stolen enemy will give a big bonus damage to kill the enemy.

6. Invoker

@Level Talent Invoker

Level 25: -18s Cooldown or AOE Defening Tornado Blast

Talent that is quite inconvenient for the enemies that face invoker, namely talent Tornado Cooldown . Talent can make Invoker easily blow away enemies into the air. Meanwhile, AOE talent Defening Blast can also be very helpful in certain circumstances.

7. Clockwerk

@Level Talent Clockwerk

Level 25: +10s Battery Assault Duration or +400 Health

Wow, this is one of the best talent possessed by Clockwerk, namely Battery Assault Duration. With such talent, Clockwerk able to perform skill Assault battery relentlessly, with the talent also makes Clockwerk be a very troublesome enemy while on base .

8. Prophet

@Level Talent Prophet

Level 25: 2x Treant HP/Damage or Removed Teleportation Cooldown

Talent Removed Cooldown teleportation means removing the cooldown of teleportation skill possessed by this hero, this means that he becomes a hero who is very troublesome because it can remove his men more easily again. In fact, if you take the talent Treants 2x HP / Damage then you still will gain strength in kind, which gives strength to his men to damage by 70 and HP 1100.

9. Puck

@Level Talent Puck

Level 25: +75% Illusionary Orb Distance/Speed or +420 Gold/min

Illusionary Talent Orb Distance / Speed will provide ease of Puck in changing locations more quickly. While talent +420 Gold / min will make Puck earn extra money every minute, of these skills will change the style of play the puck over the years.

10. Queen of Pain

@Level Talent Queen of Pain

Level 25: 60% Spell Lifesteal or 550 AoE Shadow Strike

The increase of 60% against Spell Lifesteal talent will make the Queen of Pain does not have to worry about a shortage of blood during the fight. Coupled with additional items lifesteal as Octarine Core, which can increase the effects of this hero lifesteal to 96%, WOW!


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